Fire Risk

Fire Risk Assessments are
a legal requirement.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that a Responsible Person within an Organisation should appoint a Competent Person to conduct a Fire Risk Assessment which is ‘suitable and sufficient’. In the case that there are 5 or more persons employed in the organisation, the Fire Risk Assessment must be physically recorded and cyclically reviewed. Acuity is able to perform fire risk assessment in Liverpool, Manchester and beyond.

Our Fire Risk Assessments meet PAS79 criteria:

  1. Identification of the Hazards
  2. Identification of the people at risk
  3. Evaluation of the Fire Safety Measures provided and/or required to protect persons (e.g. fire alarm systems, escape routes)
  4. Review the details and documents for the management of fire safety (e.g. evacuations procedures, staff training, fire drills etc)
  5. A fully formulated action plan which is prioritised with risk levels clearly displayed in a concise manner
  6. A full record of significant findings, and if necessary, the provision of an action plan
  7. Ensure a review date is given to the assessment, and that this is kept updated

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When was the Fire Risk Assessment for your building last reviewed?